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john company 〔口語〕【歷史】東印度公司。

john doe

He was offered a position in india , in the service of john company , under whose flag , as we know , the pagoda - tree was worth shaking 他獲得了一個在印度約翰公司的職位,大家知道,在約翰公司的旗幟下,他能夠迅速地發財致富。

England entered the trade via the east india company , or the john company as it was known , in the mid to late 17th century 英格蘭經由東印度公司或者約翰公司在17世紀中后期進行茶貿易因此聞名。

I enjoy keeping my uncle john company . when we get together he tells me stories and we play games 我很喜歡陪約翰叔叔。當我們在一起時,他會說故事給我聽,還我們還玩游戲呢!